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Best Selling
This is a popular lolypop float with stainless steel stem and variable tip-holder adapter. We can control the position of the line and the hook perfectly. Ideal for the „running rig fishing” and „stop float” pole fishing.
Wrecking: 1 pieces/package
Absolute sensitive and good accessories. László Holler made it either. It is more thick and round than the Blade float, so it is good for heavier flowing. The special top of the swimmer gives an easily visible hoer. At the stock of the antenna there is a thin carbon thread.
Wrecking: 1 pieces/package
This new type is exceedingly suited for angle of bottom living fishes with fine float techniques. The big balsa crest above the stem allows in deep placing the center of gravity of the float, so our fitment proofs against waves. It indicates good activity with fish (pull-push up). The antenna is made from fiberglass, which is good visible, very sensitive and coloured. The stem is made from fiberglass too.
Wrecking: 1 pieces/package
This antenna type was produced with an under thread and glass thread. It is good in slow or medium flows. We are using the line inside the body, because in this way it is not easy to hurt it.
Wrecking: 1 pieces/package
Top product from Exner! The balsa wood body has a built-in sarcandana wing for flight stability. The thin carbon stem eliminates drifting of the float in the flowing upper water layer. It is supplied with two types of antenna, which are interchangeable. The body shape provides very favourable aerodynamic characteristics. The weighting can be varied by mounting and dismounting the lamellas. For long term durability we have provided the fin body and the spur stem with a unique flexible “Exner Elastilex” coating.
Wrecking: 1 pieces/package
Season Collections
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New Arrivals
Designed and tested by World Champion Tamás Walter. A good float not only for champion fishing, made from the best quality balsa wood with metal stem. The antenna of the float is highly visible in every conditions and from higher distance.
Designed and tested by World Champion Tamás Walter. A good float not only for champion fishing, made from the best quality balsa wood with metal stem. The antenna of the float is highly visible in every conditions and from higher distance.
Wrecking: 5 pieces/package
Designed and tested by World Champion Tamás Walter. A good float not only for champion fishing, made from the best quality balsa wood with carbon stem. The antenna of the float is highly visible in every conditions and from higher distance.
Wrecking: 5 pieces/package
Designed and tested by World Champion Tamás Walter. A good float not only for champion fishing, made from the best quality balsa wood and tonkin reed. The antenna of the float is highly visible in every conditions and from higher distance.
Designed and tested by World Champion Tamás Walter. A good float not only for champion fishing, made from the best quality balsa wood and peacock. The antenna of the float is highly visible in every conditions and from higher distance.
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